
$15 million in grants & scholarships available this year for those who qualify10

Students in the Robotics & Automation program study a variety of topics, including 3D design and manufacturing, industrial networking, and digital electronics and circuits.

Where to Find Robotics & Automation Technician Training Near Me

Enrolling in postsecondary education can be a big decision that puts you a step closer to pursuing a career in robotics and automation. We have schools all over the country, from north to south and east to west. If you’re wondering, “Are there robotics and automation technician schools near me?” there might be a location in your part of the country.

Prepare to Become an Automation Technician With Our Program

Our Robotics and Automation programs are designed to take about a year and a half or less to complete. Students develop their knowledge in hands-on robotics and automation courses that cover topics like:

  • Manufacturing technology and systems
  • Precision measuring and applied physics
  • Industrial networking
  • Programmable logic controllers
  • AC and DC electricity
  • Industrial robotics
  • Foundational programming
  • Electronics
  • 3D printing
  • Computer-aided design
  • Instrumentation and control
  • Troubleshooting

Our hybrid learning model includes both lab instruction, where students get to work with real equipment, as well as convenient online learning and lectures.18 Instructors have years of experience in the industry and will support you as you learn.

Graduates have the skills and credentials needed to apply for entry-level robotics and automation jobs throughout the country.1 Our Career Services department will even help students find opportunities that match their interests and passions.

Robotics & Automation School Locations

We have Robotics & Automation programs at a variety of locations throughout the country. If you’re moving from another area, our Housing Assistance team is here to help you find accommodations for your stay during school. You can find our Robotics & Automation programs at the following campuses.

Canton, MI | MIAT

2955 Haggerty Road | Canton, MI 48188

MIAT Canton campus exterior.

Located in the Detroit area, the Canton, Michigan, MIAT College of Technology campus is close to the Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport and the Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport. It’s also near attractions like the Detroit Zoo, the Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation and the Detroit Institute of Arts. The campus offers core programs in Robotics and Automation, Aviation, Energy, HVACR and Welding.

Houston, TX | MIAT

533 Northpark Central Drive | Houston, TX 77073

MIAT Houston campus exterior.

As one of the most populous cities in the United States, there’s plenty to do in Houston, Texas. The MIAT campus is close to downtown Houston, the NASA Johnson Space Center, Lake Conroe and much more. The campus also offers core programs in Non-Destructive Testing, Energy and Aviation.

Mooresville, NC | NASCAR Tech

220 Byers Creek Road | Mooresville, NC 28117

NASCAR Tech campus exterior.

Mooresville, North Carolina, is home to NASCAR Technical Institute. The school’s right at home in Race City USA, close to Charlotte Motor Speedway and the zMAX Dragway. The campus currently features programs in Automotive, CNC MachiningWelding, and Robotics & Automation.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA | UTI

9494 Haven Avenue | Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

UTI Rancho Cucamonga campus exterior.

On the West Coast in California, the Rancho Cucamonga campus is a short drive to downtown Los Angeles. It’s near the San Gabriel Mountains and close to the beach. The Universal Technical Institute location features programs in Automotive, Diesel, Welding, and Robotics & Automation.

Exton, PA | UTI

750 Pennsylvania Drive | Exton, PA 19341

Located just 33 miles outside of Philadelphia, the UTI Exton campus offers vibrant student life with no shortage of things to do outside of training. Thanks to state-of-the-industry labs offering hands-on training, some students have even reported driving from other states to get training here! Automotive, Diesel and Welding programs are currently available, with Robotics & Automation coming to UTI Exton.

Lisle, IL | UTI

2611 Corporate West Drive | Lisle, IL 60532

UTI Lisle campus exterior.

Conveniently located outside Chicago, Lisle offers a beautiful downtown district, the Morton Arboretum and the multimillion-dollar Benedictine University Sports Complex for when students aren’t busy training.The campus offers Automotive, Diesel and Welding programs, with Robotics & Automation, Industrial Maintenance and Wind Turbine training coming to UTI Lisle.

How to Enroll in Automation & Robotics Technician Training Near Me

It’s simple to apply to our Robotics & Automation program. First, we recommend you contact us to connect with an Admissions Representative who will walk you through the process. You can call us at 800-834-7308, or fill out the contact form online, and we’ll contact you.

Classes start throughout the year, so you don’t necessarily have to wait a season or two to begin a program. Our goal is to help you select a program schedule and location that’s most convenient for you.

Once you enroll, we can help you with the next steps. That includes housing, financial aid10 and military and veterans services. 20 If you have any questions,  we’re here for you.


In less than a year, you could be prepared to pursue a career path in the wind power industry. Come participate in training that’s hands on, developed with employers and led by experienced instructors ready to support you and provide insight. Apply today!